Lethbridge officially becomes a "City of Peace"

Dear Peoples of Lethbridge,
Great news!
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How amazing it would be when everyone in Lethbridge has officially expressed their interest and endorsement towards the the idea of nurturing a Culture of Peace in our Community.

Officially establishing Lethbridge as a "City of Peace" is a perfect opportunity for us.
The offering of your signatures/names as official support/endorsement is deeply appreciated, honored, and celebrated!
I also invite and encourage everyone to add one of your favorite quotes, or a word of wisdom, along with your signing/endorsement.
This is only the beginning, and we ain't seen nothing yet.
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What ways can you imagine yourself, and y-our community inspiring and nurturing a Culture of Peace, in the name of resolving our most pressing issues, and actualizing prosperity for all?!

Lethbridge Official Recognition Listing as an "International City of Peace":
Click HERE

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See Facebook Announcement:
(Click Image Below)


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Letter of Intent:
The undersigned, as independent citizens of Lethbridge, Alberta,
Hereby acknowledge our intention to help build a City of Peace.
A Culture of Peace is determined by the citizens of each community.
As a guideline, United Nations Resolution A/RES/52/13 defines a Culture of Peace as a set of values, attitudes, modes of behavior, and ways of life that reject violence, and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups, and nations. 

For peace and non-violence to prevail, we endeavor to:

  • Foster a culture of peace through education
  • Promote sustainable economic and social development
  • Promote respect for all human rights
  • Ensure equality between women and men
  • Foster democratic participation
  • Advance understanding, tolerance and solidarity
  • Support participatory communication and free flow of information and knowledge
  • Promote international peace and security


Learn more here: https://www.internationalcitiesofpeace.org/about/what-are-cities-of-peace/


About Our Community:

Lethbridge - aka "Sikookotoki" in traditional Blackfoot/Nitistapii Language.

Official Motto: "Gateway to Opportunity".


We, the Peoples of Lethbridge acknowledge that we are gathered on the Sacred lands of the Blackfoot peoples - Siksikaitsitapii, of the Canadian Plains, compromised of the Kainai, Apaatohsipiikani, Siksika and Amskapi Piikani Nations. The City of Lethbridge is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III.
We pay respect to the Blackfoot people, past, present and future, while recognizing and honoring their rich cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship to the land.
Learn more here: https://tourismlethbridge.com/indigenous-lethbridge/blackfoot-territory 

  • To Unite the Peoples of Lethbridge, Canada, and the World, around the Exploration, Actualization, and Celebration, of our Greatest, most Obvious, and Actionable Universal Commonalities.
  • To inspire & empower everyone, in the name of nurturing a Culture of Peace, through unity, individuality, diversity, creativity, curiosity, sharing, learning, and community co-creation. 
  • To remind everyone of all that is Sacred.
  • Kottakinoona Awaahkapiiyaawa - "Bringing Our Spirits Home”.


Vision & Goal:

  • To establish a Local, Regional, National & Global World Peace Council, focused on identifying and actualizing all of the greatest solutions, which could and would resolve all of Humanity's most pressing issues.
  • To co-creatively establish World Peace Shrines in every community in the World, as a Beacon and Roadmap to World Peace.
  • To establish an Internationally Recognized #MonthlyWorldPeaceDay,
    by inviting everyone in the World to sincerely consider participating in a #WorldPeaceArtChallenge, on the First Day of Each Month, so as to honor and inspire all cultures, and generations, past, present, and future.
  • To establish monthly World Peace Summits, involving presentations, dialogue, education, artistic expression, and all of the greatest things we can imagine, in the name of nurturing a Culture of Peace. 



  • Primary Liaison:  Michael Petrakis
    [email protected] - 587-257-8088 - WorldPeaceShrine.Love
  • The Petrakis Family:  Anmari & Yianni ~ Marco & Carissa ~ Aura & Zephie 


* All further signatories will be listed on the website's honorarium.

Letter of Intent:
The undersigned, as independent citizens of Lethbridge, Alberta,
Hereby acknowledge our intention to help build a City of Peace.

See who else is endorsing:
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Will you endorse?