Living Library of World Wisdom

Humanities greatest Living Library of World Wisdom

A Testament of Our Collective Wisdom & Devotion to Global Unity & World Peace

Imagine the First Ever Website which becomes a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE,
Inspiring & Empowering All Generations to Come. 


This Living Library, which has been in my heart for over a decade, initially invites Humanity to respond to just one simple question, in two forms (Open ended, and closed ended) and showcases everyone's response.  

Closed-Ended Question:
(Yes or No)

Would you like to know what everyone in y-our local and global community would ask, and say, if they had all of Humanity's Full Attention, for just One Entire Minute?!


Open Ended Question:

"What would you ask, and say,

if you had all of Humanities Full Attention,

for just One Entire Minute?!"

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Just imagine, everyone in the World having access to a single website where one can easily scroll through key categories of people, so as to view what people have shared.  One could choose to view what every child under 10, or every elder over 60 has shared, as their greatest wisdom, Solution, and or piece of advice regarding any aspects of this entire initiative. Imagine being able to discover how any of your family and friends, classmates, teachers, and or local leaders have responded.


One day soon, we will look back, and wonder...
How is it possible that we never created a Living Library of World Wisdom, until now. 
How did we make it this far, without it.


I asked Artificial Intelligence what the most likely, and profound, Social, Psychological, and Spiritual implications of this Initiative would be, if it only existed in Lethbridge. 

Click HERE to discover what it said.


I then asked what the most likely and profound implications would be, on Lethbridge and then the World, if Lethbridge having taken the lead on this initiative, sparked global participation.

Click HERE to discover what it said. :)


An Inspiring Message for All Philanthropists:
(Co-created with A.I.)
Click HERE


Could this single question be one of, if not THE GREATEST QUESTION, for inspiring and illuminating every individuals greatest wisdom, for everyone's greatest benefit.

A single question which becomes the greatest, intergenerational thought experiment, as the foundation of an Inter-Disciplinary, World Peace Educational Curriculum. At minimum, it could be plugged into the academic course of every educational curriculum, for extra credits, to be studied, and re-worked on a monthly basis by all students and teachers, as well as all people, from all sectors of society. From Kindergarten Classes, to PHd Courses, to the public profiles of CEO's & Board members of Corporations & Organizations, and last but not least, all publicly elected officials, and or candidates, Local, Regional, and National.


Just imagine... everyone, throughout their entire lives, studying even just their own response to this question, on a monthly basis, and comparing their past, and current responses, let alone the responses offered by each of their friends, family members, grandparents, and ancestors.


What this means, and includes, is that everyone attending any of our monthly World Peace Summits (webpage coming soon), and even daily Gatherings (sharing circles) will have the opportunity to share their greatest wisdom, and what they would propose could be one of, if not the greatest solutions for World Peace.

~ The Living Library of World Wisdom is the evidence of our upgrading Human Civilization ~

A single yes or no question for all people, to consider and respond to, with emphasis on all mayors, city councilors, presidents, prime ministers.


Which begs the question:

Do you think that a majority of people in the community, nation, and the world, would see the value of having just 1 of their annual tax dollars go towards a publicly nominated World Peace Scholarship Program, focused on continuous development of a single website, which showcases what everyone in the world would ask and say, if they had all of humanities full attention, if only for just one minute?!


Just imagine the following example categories people will be able to explore, regarding everyone's responses.

You could search through a database of all the world's:

  1. Women & Men
  2. Elders & Youth
  3. Mayors & City Councilors
  4. Presidents & Prime Ministers
  5. Nobel laureates
  6. Those with the highest IQ & EQ
  7. All those whom the greatest number of people consider to possibly be among the wisest
  8. Locally, Regionally, and Globally.


Can you imagine what this would mean, for everyone in the world?

What it would mean, for all generations to come.

What it would mean, if it already existed, and we could see how all of our ancestors responded.

Could this be one of the most "Obvious Things" which all people from around the world who honor wisdom, could unite around and building together, as something which everyone would obviously see the value of having just one of their annual tax dollars go towards, and what the implications of that would be?! 

Especially considering the fact that ALL FUNDS would be equally distributed through the "Trinity - Fund Distribution Model", so as to ensure that every single response, and dollar, will Always be irrefutably equated to a measurable relief of suffering?!


The TRINITY - FUND DISTRIBUTION MODEL page is "Coming Soon", but in short, as described in various pages of this website, it consists of 1/3 of all funds equally distributed through the following three categories:

1. Local & Global Outreach - Utilizing all forms of communication, we will ensure that everyone in every community around the world is invited to share their wisdom, and participate in the cocreation of the "Greatest Website in Human History".  This will include, but not be limited to, on the ground street teams introducing this initiative to people in all major gatherings spaces, door to door, emails blasts, and phone calls, with emphasis on all Mayor's & City Councilors in Canada, and then the World.  This will include spontaneous and scheduled, livestream and pre-recorded interviews with everyone who is interested in sharing what they would ask and say, if they had everyone's attention.
(If you would like to take this opportunity to share how you would respond, join our growing World Peace Council, and fill out the membership application form, which includes many inspiring, thought provoking, strategic and empowering questions, by clicking HERE.)

2. The World Peace Scholarship Program for developing the website, hosting monthly World Peace Summits (webpage coming soon), and the development of Self-Sustaining, Eco-Community Orphan Sanctuaries everywhere in the world, and beginning with all Refugee Camps.  

3. Providing Free Food to the Hungry. (50% Locally, and 50% Globally)  
- Simply, this could be delivering Free, Organic, Non-GMO, Plant-Based, Whole Food to Local & Global Food Banks and Orphanages.


Can you see how continuously developing such a website alone,

could justify billions of dollars, agreed upon by every individual?

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What would a Billion Dollar Website look like, and how beautifully could we create it so that it

would honor everyone who is responding and their responses,

while attracting and inspiring everyone else to respond.

(Think Google x Wikipedia x Consciousness)

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Would you like to see what a billion dollar website looks like, 

devoted to inspiring and uplifting humanity in just this one particular way?!


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~ Can you imagine a greater opportunity,

for humanity to finally come together around, once and for all?

~ Something that we could all be proud of co-creating.

~ Something that could help ensure that everyone in the world is acknowledged,

recognized, heard, honored, and remembered, in the greatest light.


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~ A True Legacy Project, which will never be forgotten ~


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Through the Trinity Fund Distribution Model, the Living Library of World Wisdom equates to the end of Extreme Poverty, World Wide.  Perhaps one of the most obvious agreements which we now have the opportunity to make, for saving the lives of not only all 200 million orphans in the world, but also the more than 700 million people who are living on less than $2.00/day.


  1. Imagine 8 Billion People in the world being invited, and agreeing to having just one of their annual tax dollars invested through the Trinity Model. 

    - With half a million dollars, we can build a Self-Sustaining Orphan Sanctuary which saves the lives of 1000 Orphans.
    - With 4.5 Billion Dollars, this would equate to the building of 9,000 Orphan Sanctuaries worldwide, thus saving the lives of 9 Million Orphans. The remaining 3.5 Billion would go towards the operations costs.  ($30k/month x 12 x 9000 = $3.3 Billion)

  2. Upon successfully achieving this goal, we then agree to $1/month, instead of $1/year.
    That's 9 Million Orphans x 12 = 108 Million Lives Saved.

  3. Upon successfully achieving this goal, we then agree to $1/day, instead of $1/month.
    That's 108 Million Orphans x 30 = 3.2 BILLION Lives Saved.

Long Story Short:

The Unification of Humanity, around our Greatest, and most Obvious, and Actionable Universal Commonalities, has been, and will always be Our Greatest Solution for World Peace and Prosperity for All...  And all because we all have the capacity to perceive a minimum of $1/year towards the creation of a Living Library of World Wisdom, and World Peace Shrines in every community around the World.

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Roll-Out Strategy:

Can you imagine how:

  1. The Unification of 8 Billion People, agreeing to just $1/year, towards such an initiative, would likely result in the agreement of $1/month/person, and how that would naturally lead to $1/day/person?!
  2. The Unification of 1 Billion People, would naturally lead to the Unification of 8 Billion People?!
  3. The Unification of all 40 Million Canadians, would be an event heard around the world, which would likely lead to the unification of 1 Billion People?
  4. The unification of all 100,000 Lethbridge Citizens around such an agreement, would be an event heard across Canada, and eventually inspire all Canadians to Unite?
  5. If we build it, they will come.  It, meaning the Council, the Shrine, the Living Library of World Wisdom, and our first Orphan Sanctuary.  We get to be the example, and create the Template, which we then replicate throughout the world.



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