Building The Third Shrine - Together

The Essence of this Petition, for the building of a New World Peace Shrine in Lethbridge, could be reduced to a single question:

Do you think and feel that our community collaboratively building a New World Peace Shrine,
could somehow have benefits?!

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(click HERE to enlarge image below)

Click on above image to Read & Sign the Petition,
and Share what you think, and feel, if only so as to inspire others to do the same.

"Might this just be the perfect "excuse" of an opportunity, to inspire and finally Unite our Community, like never before?!"

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Which begs the Question...

If the large majority of Peoples in Lethbridge would say yes,
would it be safe to say that a large majority of the people in the world would also say Yes,
to having a World Peace Shrine, in their own communities?!
<wink 😉 wink>

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The New World Peace Shrine that we are now faced with the opportunity of building together,
is going to be so absolutely profound.  I have already seen it, in so many ways, as it was always actually been part of my vision, and from what I see and feel, it is surely bound to be one day recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site?   How could this be possible you might ask...

The World Peace EARTH Shrine which was suddenly destroyed, was built by just one person, in about 3 months. 

Just imagine... 

In one day, even just 1000 people in our community, each bringing just 1 stone, which can easily be carried by 1 person, a 2nd stone, which requires 2 people to lift, and a 3rd stone, which requires 3 people to lift, all being brought to a the new location, would have the shrine built in a single day!  Imagine what the implications of that would be, and how we would feel having accomplished building something so beautiful, together, and with such ease.

Now imagine our community inviting, inspiring, and commissioning the co-creative building of 12 giant, and absolutely legendary Totem Poles, in direct partnership with all First Nations of Canada, and the World, as a Symbol and Testament of our Love, Unity, and devotion to World Peace & Prosperity for All.

A True Legacy ~ For Our Community, Our Nation, and The World.
And we get to built it all, TOGETHER!

~ WOW ~


* We are now in the process of bringing together the most amazing people in Lethbridge and beyond, in the name of establishing the ideal Non-Profit Organization structure around the World Peace Shrine, which will efficiently, inclusively, and transparently steward this entire vision.  If you would like to be part of it all, you know what to do.  It's our humble honor to involve everyone.

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Click on below images to learn more about:

The Many Benefits of a
New World Peace Shrine
for our Community.
The Ideal Location for
the New Shrine in Lethbridge.


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A Short Origin Story of the World Peace Shrine:

The first two shrines were built over the course of three months and a thousand hours of labor, almost entirely with my bare hands, and with just enough support, from the few special beings along the way, physically and psychologically, while using only natural materials found on the island. By summer’s end, to my hearts overwhelming "surprise", over 5,000 people had visited the shrine in Lethbridge, many stumbling upon it serendipitously.

Words can barely capture the profound experiences I had the humbling honor to share with people in our community during the shrine’s 15-month life. Visitors, from all walks of life, expressed their feelings and  with loving words, glowing eyes, and radiant smiles. Feelings of peace, awe, mourning, inspiration, and sacred kinship filled the air as the shrine became a place of connection—between people, the land, and our shared humanity.

It was breathtaking to witness how word of the shrine spread organically, through conversations, stories, photography, and social media.
Over 40,000 people in Lethbridge, nearly 40% of the population, were introduced to its existence through this heartfelt sharing.

However, when the City of Lethbridge suddenly and quietly dismantled both shrines without informing the community, many were left feeling hurt, confused, and betrayed. No notice was given—no chance for people to say goodbye, retrieve sacred offerings, or experience the space one last time, or even a first time.

But from this loss comes a profound opportunity. Together, we can rebuild, and this time it will be even more beautiful. This is a call for the entire community—individuals, businesses, organizations, city officials, and patrons—to unite in rebuilding a new shrine that embraces all who feel drawn to it. With collective effort, we can create something that inspires not only Lethbridge but all Canadians, and the world beyond.

This new World Peace Shrine will be felt as a reflection of the sacred of spaces. A place of unity, that truly honors, and embraces everyone.  Together, we will create the greatest World Peace Shrine the world has ever seen.

Most importantly, our community’s act of rebuilding will serve as a model for Truth & Reconciliation—an immersive, symbolic step toward peace and healing. Imagine, this shrine could become a beacon, showing how we can approach reconciliation in the simplest yet most profound way. Through this shared effort, we’ll walk together toward a future of peace and prosperity for all.


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The General Roll-Out Strategy & Core Goals:

  1. To successfully inspire 100,000 Lethbridge Signatures, while the Online Shrine (this evolving website) highlights a diverse variety of signatures and endorsement letters from the general public, as well from various community leaders (spiritual, academic, business, political, activist, etc), and of course, the signatures of our Mayor and City Councilors.  These happenings are a profoundly impactful part of the entire process and mission, even before a single stone has been placed for the New Shrine, as it will inspire profoundly relevant feelings, thoughts, words, deeds, art, dialogue, co-creations and reflections, in the name of inner and outer, local and World, Peace. 

    Simply Imagine the positive impact on the Life Legacy of anyone who signs and supports this Petition, Vision & Mission which would result from a simple signed endorsement for the building of a World Peace Shrine in Lethbridge, let alone the good Karma this brings. 😉 (Cause & Effect) - Imagine the beauty of us all, being part of such a beautiful story.

  2. Co-organize and participate in weekly World Peace Shrine related Gatherings around our City, (World Peace Summits), especially on, but not limited to #MonthlyWorldPeaceDay, on the first day of each month, offering everyone the opportunity to discuss the shrine, share and present questions or concerns they may have.

  3. Succeed in our first Fundraising Goal of $33,333, which will be distributed in 3 main direction: 

    a)   $10,000 - For Printing 100,000 postcard-sized invitations to the Petition, to be personally handed out to every single person and home in our community, door to door, so as ensure that everyone is acknowledged, involved, and honored. This will greatly help with ensuring that the a true, local peace dialogue unfolds in our community, whose time has simply come, for inspiring immense education, art, and cocreation.  This quickly evolves to include the production of inspiring media, using the hours of un-used drone footage and photography of the Shrines, filmed prior to their destruction. 

    b)    $10,000 - For the professional development of this website, which will not only showcase everyone's signed endorsement and all progress made, it will also facilitate open dialogue for our communities creative brainstorming, and decision making.

    c)    $13,333 - To be equally distributed between Local & Global Humanitarian Initiatives, as a way to EQUATE everything about these initiatives, and every dollar raised, from the Petition, Promotion, and Dialogue, to the Construction of the Shrine, with the MEASURABLE RELEIF OF SUFFERING.

    1. $5,000 - Locally, this will likely involve simply donating directly to deeply appreciated organizations such as all local food banks, and  "Sage Clan", who are on the front-lines of our Down Town Poly-Crises, involving houselessness, hunger, addiction, mental health, and so much more. 

    2. $5,000 - Globally, we are extremely enthused to introduce to our Lethbridge Community, an absolutely precious Orphan Sanctuary in Uganda, which we have become one with, and which is in dire need of our communities support.
      Click HERE to learn more.  

    3. $3,333, will go towards financing the travel expenses of Michael's first visit to our Orphan Sanctuary in Uganda, to meet with our Team/Family for the first time after hundreds of hours of communications, planning, and bonding, so as to personally gift them with the above mentioned $5,000.  This will cover the Orphanages bare minimum operational costs for at least 2 months, while we secure all the resources necessary for building a truly remarkable orphan Sanctuary.

      * This will also include the basic travel budget of Michael's dear friend and brother, and assistant, Mukama, a Ugandan Citizen and trained social worker, with a passion for investigative photo-journalism.

* All additional funds raised will be equally distributed through these 3 directions, thereby providing us with not only thousands upon thousands of Postcard sized invitations to the Petition, far beyond Lethbridge, so as to inspire the building of World Peace Shrines everywhere, but also as a means to recognize the relationship between our World Peace Shrine, and the measurable relief of suffering, every step along the way.

  1. In regards to the Canadian Non-Profit Organization which is now being developed, are highest of intentions is to establish a local and global Peace Council of Councils, which will span all sectors of society, in regards to World Peace, and populating them thousands of volunteers, who will focus on all things related to the World Peace Shrine and Peace in general, within our local and global community.

  2. Depending on how much time is required for us to gather thousands of signatures for this initiative, we plan to have an in-depth Shrine proposal handed in and accepted by the City of Lethbridge, as soon as possible, so as to be begin construction by the Spring of 2025, and potentially have the new Shrine ready, by June 1st of 2025.

*** Please keep in mind that absolutely no money is required for us to achieve the building of a new World Peace Shrine.
Our organic sharing of this petition, online and through word of mouth, is more than enough for us to complete this mission.

That being said, it is my conviction that:

~~~  {{{ ❤️  Love Leverages Everything ❤️ }}}  ~~~



Click below Images to:

Donate through this website:
(accepts many forms of payment)
Donate through Paypal:
(accepts many forms of payment)

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  • Misty Driscoll
    followed this page 2024-10-03 21:52:01 -0600
  • Michael Petrakis
    published this page 2024-10-01 19:22:47 -0600